The Wall Project, 2017 Manning regional gallery

Artist statement :

Exhibition dates: 8 February to 26 February 2017

"The divisions in humanity drive a negative narrative. We focus on differences and consider ways of widening the gap in our relationships. An argument has two sides with very little commonality. My interests are in finding similarities in the polarity of any conflict, and to do so visually. The practice is multidisciplinary with the use of sculpture, video, painting and animated drawing. The narrative is the key to this visual search allowing the drawing to reveal relationships and truths about our commonalities as social beings. Artworks are actors and the starting point to an animated video stage allowing the imagination to wonder through a journey that will bring up more questions than answers. The artwork that I propose for the wall will be exploring Gestalt's theory of (nothing is greater than the sum each part). In other words, I would like to consult with locals and different communities in the Taree area to create representative paintings or drawings maybe even sculptures, that will be hung on the wall randomly. These are my initial actors and they will have a dialogue with each other(employing Gestalt's theory of real Relativity) I will allow that conversation to act out in the second part of the artwork which will be an animated time based drawing produced on the iPad with the aid of a projector. This will be done live over a couple of weeks, and will be cast onto the wall using digital drawing looking for commonalities between the pre-hung works.

I would also like to include other artists work to add to the wall during the three weeks. Hopefully the result will create a conversation about diversity and commonality in the area. I am cartoonist for The Australian newspaper since 1988 and finishing a Masters in fine art by coursework and UNSW art & design. I also see myself as an adopted local, I've been married for 27 years to Artist Vicki White who was born and bred in Chatham. We come home to visit her parents more often than the jacarandas bloom on the way into town before the Martin Bridge. My interest lies in an ever expanding visual art practice that is researching new ways of communicating and revealing human social complexities."


